Saturday, September 8, 2007


This is super fun! So in case you are all wondering who Cooper and Gunner look more like, this is a really cool site that does "face-recognition" and tells you. Thanks Sara Jane for the idea! I always thought Cooper's face looked more like mine, and Gunner's more like Andrew...but most people think they both look more like him. What's funny is I think Cooper and Gunner have such different looks!

Supposedly Cooper looks more like me now.

But here is our 3-year-old pictures being compared to his.

Here is Gunner compared to us now.

And here he is comapred to our 18-month-old pictures.

It does a cool celebrity look-alike meter too. So, what do you think?!

Andrew says people have said he looks like Tom Cruise...guess not! But he is hotter than Tom Cruise, if you ask me!


Matt and Adge said...

that is so fun! although i still think cooper looks the most like grandpa larson. i'm going to have to plug our faces in and try it myself :).

sara said...

Cool website. I'll have to check it out. I just have to find a good picture of me first....

Summer said...

Hi Cassie, thanks for your comment on our blog, it was good to hear from you. Your family is adorable as ever. Sounds like you guys are doing well in St. Louis too. We definitely miss seeing Cooper around. Keep in touch!

ashley said...

Hey Cassie it was so good to hear from you! Your blog was so fun to look at! Your boys are soooooooo cute! I want a little boy:) This is such an awesome way to keep in touch!

GoatesGirl said...

That's a super fun thing to do. I'll have to checkit out. The pictures were cute of when you were little! Wonder if I could even find ours...


So fun... I may be placing this on my blog so stay tuned!