Thursday, August 23, 2007

I guess I'm "IT" again in the game of tag

1. Who is your man? Andrew (Honey)
2. How long have you been together? We've been married for just over 7 years
3. How long dated? Almost 10 months
4. How old is your man? 29
5. Who eats more? He does, but I like sweets more
6. Who said "I love you" first? He did...i think?! It was a mutual feeling that didn't need words. :)
7. Who is taller? He is...I'm 5'7", he's 5'11"
8. Who sings better? He is an awesome singer, unwilling to share his talent! Except in a million made-up songs to his boys. He is constantly singing!
9. Who is smarter? He is...he has the title "Doctor"!
10. Who's temper is worse? pretty even
11. Who does the laundry? Me, most of the time
12..Who takes out the garbage? Andrew...when he remembers :)
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Him now...I always sleep closest to the door...wierd.
14. Who pays the bills? Both
15. Who is better with the computer? Both...I type faster
16. Who mows the lawn? He does...and Cooper follows with his Fischer Price mower
17. Who cooks dinner? Me
18. Who drives when you are together? He does...unless we need to get there fast...then I have to take over. He is a turtle!
19. Who pays when you go out? Him
20. Who is most stubborn? Me.
21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? About equal
22. Whose parents do you see the most? Both. They live 30 minutes away from each other and it has to be EXACTLY even or we make a lot of enemies :). Both parents make efforts to visit us often, which we really appreciate!
23. Who kissed who first? He did...I said, "I think I better get home", then he said, "Ok, but I'm going to kiss you first". I didn't object. :)
24. Who asked who out? He did, but I had another date that night, so we both played phone tag through sports road-trips and had to had a Thursday date...eventually.
25. Who proposed? He did.
26. Who is more sensitive? Me.
27. Who has more friends? I have a lot of people I like to call my friends...hopefully they feel the same way. :) He is pretty funny in group settings, but likes to keep his friends to a close-knit group so they can all fit in "man-town".
28. Who has more siblings? Me, I have 8. He has 2 sisters
29. Who wears the pants in the family? "I don't think there's a right answer to this..." said my friend Adrienne...and I say, "ditto"

Ok, Laura, Carissa and Kendra...your tagged :).

Here is a recent family picture in front of our new home in St. Louis. Just wanted to spice-up these boring "tagged" blogs with a visual.


wurstens5 said...

Cute boys. Its so fun to see you again. What has it been 2 years? I can't believe how big cooper is!

Carissa Poyfair said...

Hey! It's good to see you all are settled in and enjoying yourself. You guys looked like you had an awesome summer with so much to do! The ward changed quite a bit, we lost all of Kemper Rd and Grandview area! There are only 2 Sunbeam classes now too. Anyway, hope you are doing well! We miss hearing Cooper sing in Primary! By the way, how many people do I tag once I've been tagged?

The Bentley's said...

cute family pic. and I like your tag. always fun to read.