Bring on the PINK! We are so incredibly surprised, and excited, to have a little GIRL joining our family. I guess the poll was right! And, all our boys who guessed right too.
Isn't she adorable?! :)

Cooper was getting bored with all the measurements and wanted to know NOW if it was a girl! He's been stuck on a girl since he found out we were pregnant... the first thing he said was "Be a girl!" She jumped ahead for him. When she told us she was a girl, I cried. She checked again for us too. Then during the mid-ultrasound bathroom and sticker break, I told Andrew I needed her to double-check. He said, "she already did!". But, when we came in, I made her check again. She said, "You are safe to shop momma! She is showing us everything she needs to." Cooper told her I've already bought girl stuff and I always give it away as presents. :) And then, one more time at the very end of the ultrasound, she quadruple checked. ;)
Cooper loved picking out body parts... and said at one point, "Look, she's showing us her muscles!" I said, she better have muscles to put up with 3 older brothers. Gunner assured us he could beat her up. Great. We told them they need to beat up the boys trying to kiss her instead! Cooper also loved it when she would "wave" to us. :)
When she went to give me the photos at the end, Cooper intercepted them, and flipped through them the whole way to the car. It was too cute.
Because I was wrong in thinking it was a boy, the boys got to choose our lunch destination... Wendys! When Andrew and Beckett arrived, Cooper grabbed a picture and ran over to Beckett saying, "Look Beckett, it's a girl! We're going to have a baby sister!"

The girl at the register said, you have 3 boys?! I said, "yep, but I'm having a girl... pointing to my belly." She made my day by saying I don't look far enough along to know what I'm having. If only those nice comments out-weighed the "wow, you're big" comments. :)
I am still in shock. I keep thinking about all the shopping, and instead of being overly-excited... I'm more overwhelmed at this point! And nervous we'll go broke. :) I kept saying "I can't believe it!" over and over, and finally Cooper said, "Believe it!" I really am so excited - thrilled. I really didn't think it was possible, but we feel so blessed to be having a daughter. Even more excited and relieved to know everything is healthy too!
Here I was at 19 weeks 5 days. I definitely have "popped" out sooner this time!
This pregnancy has been tolerable. A few highlights:

- LOVE Zofran and Phenegran. Took them everyday until 19-weeks. Now I just have to use them occasionally. The nausea is NO FUN! The worst by far was the night I woke up puking in my sleep, and inhaled it into my lungs. I could not stop coughing!
- Heartburn pretty much from day 1. Thanks to Zantac for making things tolerable.
- Have been able to exercise (if I time it right with breakfast and zofran). Still able to run 5-miles, and have been doing more elliptical too.
- Had a nice break-out of zits!
- Love Fiber-One bars, peanut butter, fruit, cereal.
- No real "in-between" stage... just got big fast!
- Nights were the worst... dinner then I'm done!
- Feeling a lot better now! More energy too.
- Have a funny pain in my mid-back/left side. Hope it's a muscle and not a kidney stone they think it may be? Hope to find out more at my apt. Tuesday.
- Just got over a horrible cold, which lasted a few weeks... it's the worst when you can't take good drugs!
- Love when my boys give me hugs and kisses, and then say, "I want to hug and kiss the baby too!"
- Love hearing Gunner suggest names like Cookie, and coo-coo, and booger. He also talks about how she likes pizza crust?
- Cooper has been really concerned about making sure the baby doesn't die. He prays for that each night. And even asked the ultrasound tech if she's not going to die for sure now. He's also into the whole anatomy of the baby being born. Fun stuff to explain as a mom!
I too kept saying to myself I can't believe it. After I got your text. We are so HAPPY for you Love ya
Cassie - I am SOOO excited for you! Girls are way too much fun! Congrats!!
i know you're not sad you wont be in my 4 boys club :) that's so EXCITING!!!! i'm so JEALOUS!!!!. so much fun! i can't wait to see all the cute stuff you dress her in! i'll live vicariously through you!
Yay! Congratulations. Girls are so fun. You look fabulous for being over half way done with your pregnancy.
You will find that they are not all sugar spice and everything nice, but it will be amazing! SOOOO excited for you to have this change in your family dynamic... it will be so fun! Excited to meet her! :)
That is so exciting!!! She is going to be so spoiled- it'll be great!!!
How exciting for your family! You deserve a little girl to love too- (even though boys are sooo much fun!) You look so darling in your yellow picture! And I can't believe you're still running that much- amazing! Best of luck with the rest of your pregnancy! Hope you guys really get to move to CDA later this year- it would be so fun to see you guys again!
Look how awesome and darling you look!! And SO happy you are having a girl. What fun for you!
Oh, those adorable boys are hilarious!! I love the "I could beat her up" comment. :) Well CONGRATS!! How great you got so many pictures! Little Dixie ;) is a beauty already. I am so so happy for you! This time I get to send YOU a baby girl present! I can't stop putting !! at the end of every sentence! I'm just so happy for you and your sweet family!!! And you look gorgeous, by the way!
Oh Cassie I am sooo excited for you and your hubby. Congratulations! I hope you enjoy shopping!
Happy Shopping!! Congrats!!!
Yay...Congrats! That is so super exciting! :)
I voted you would have a girl on your poll with only 45 minutes left until it closed!!
I am so happy for you. Enjoy all the shopping for PINK! So excited.
Yeah Cassie,
Your mom told me at my pink baby shower this weekend too. I'm so excited for you!!!
I seriously am still in shock, too! I can't stop thinking about it! I can't imagine saying i would have a daughter either! I am SO incredibly thrilled for you all. She will be spoiled with all those loving protectors and a mom who will dress her like a diva! :) Can't WAIT to meet her!!!
PS you look AMAZING!
I'm with look A-MAZING!!! You will have so much fun preparing for her (except for the move right after she's born- YIKES) I am so happy for you. 3 boys and 1 girl....sounds great to me!
WOO-HOO!!! She really is cute!!! I'm so excited for you! I remember my first load of girl laundry I did after having just boys, I panicked because I thought I washed something red with all my whites.....turned out it was just a lot of light pink!
Congratulations! That's totally exciting news! Your kids sound super cute!
Congratulations!!! Oh my, she is going to be beautiful and you are going to have sooooo much fun dressing her up! I love that your boys are so excited for a sister, too! You look fantastic!!!
You are so DANG cute pregnant! Cassie, I'm so excited for you guys that is awesome! Congrats sweetie!
K I have to start out by saying how great you look, you really do. Your are TINY!! I am sooooo excited for you guys! Oh boy am I familiar with those 3 little lines that indicate its a girl!! Now I can't wait for the naming game.... enjoy buying pink!!!
Just to add to all the comments: You look so cute! And I'm so excited for you to have a girl!!!
Congrats! Theres nothing like a little girl!
Yay! A GIRL is such good news! Congrats to you guys.
YEA!!!! Double YEA!!!!! Can't wait to hear the girl name that can tie in with baseball. Tell me your due date again....
Cassie you are seriously SO cute!! Can't wait to see this cute little girl!
Congrats Cass. You look good!
Yeah! Yeah! YEAH! I am so excited for you. You are going to love it. I have to say that I felt exactly the same as you did. I just wasn't quite convinced. I still bought all girl stuff, but was just hoping I wouldn't have to take anything back. I had to see that baby in person to be totally convinced. But, they definitely got a clear shot-you shouldn't question that one!! Oh that is SO great!! Congrats!
Cas- What fun!!! Now you can go shopping, for real. It's fun to shop for a boy, but it is the BEST for girls:) Great Times:)
What an Amazing Blessing!!! That little girl is joining an amazing family..I am so happy for you Cassie...I have been out of the loop since August, and finally had a few minutes to read some of the updates.. I am excited to read some more later when I have a chance.. You are in my prayers that your pregnancy and delivery will be a happy and safe one.. I have total compassion and understanding for so many of the things you have gone through.. Clomid made me crazy too after miscarriages... The best advice I can give you, if post-partum comes back, just keep talking with that cute hubby of yours... And let him hold you when you need to cry, just let him listen to you... I hope it doesn't bother you after the birth.. But I got it pretty bad with Colby again, even though I was so happy, sometimes your hormones just get the best of you no matter what... Just be honest with your hubby about your feelings, and he will help you get through those hard days..
Luvs, Kiley
PS You look super great!!!! It's only jealous women who make mean comments..
Cool blog ;)
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