Friday, October 10, 2008

Tags Finally Fulfilled - AND - Welcoming Halloween

Have had a few tags I have put off. Thought I would also show you some of our Halloween spirit! We love fall, and it is the perfect "boy" holiday. They are really into all the "scary stuff". The masks were a dollar at WalMart (no, they are not their costumes), and the witch was clearance from last year's after-Halloween sale, and we just happen to have the PERFECT tree for it in our front yard... right on the corner...
Here are the rules: I have to answer the following questions with one word answers and one word only!

The questions are as follows:
1. Where is your cell phone? kitchen
2. Where is your significant other? work
3. Your hair color? brown
4. Your mother? Jean
5. Your father? Steve
6. Your favorite thing? snuggles
7. Your dream last night? none
8. Your dream/goal? eternity
9. The room you're in? family
10. Your hobby? photography
11. Your fear? failure
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? home
13. Where were you last night? FHE
14. What you're not? lonely
15. One of your wish-list items? vacations
16. Where you grew up? Coeur d'Alene
17. The last thing you did? gym
18. What are you wearing? sweat
19. Your TV? sports
20. Your pet? none
21. Your computer? mac
22.Your mood? content
24.Missing someone? lots!
24. Your car? Van
25. Something you're not wearing? shoes
26. Favorite store? Ikea
27. Your summer? moved
28. Love someone? boys
29. Your favorite color? yellow
30. When is the last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? Sunday

Now on to my second "tag". 6 quirks about me.... mmmm... 

1. I am about the most indecisive person I know. It takes me forever to decide on what to eat at restaurants, or what shirt to buy, etc.

2. I have a shower "routine". I do the same thing, in the same order, usually even the same number of scrubs in each place.

3. Any time I drink out of a drinking fountain... I take 10 drinks. Not sure why... it started in middle school. Maybe I am OCD and don't realize it.

4. I am very plan oriented, and if things don't go they way I have them planned, I am easily frustrated. 

5. I am a list person... I get this from my Dad... 

6. One thing that drives me crazy is inside-out hoods on sweatshirts or coats. I notice them all, and want to fix them all for those people. Not sure why...


Tiff Gatten said...

Cute pics Miss OCD. lol. That was fun.

The camera is a D60, so pretty much the same as yours. I'm shooting football from the sideline with a Nikon 55/220mm with a UV filter and a monopod. It seems to be working ok. I love it! Fun, huh? I've got a lot to learn...