All month we have been doing our best to drill the Easter story into our kids' heads. :) It has really been neat to see Cooper's little mind work, and I have seen his love for Jesus grow. He gave a talk in primary on Easter Sunday, and did such a great job. He really is growing up! Our Easter celebrations were fun. Friday, we had a little Easter egg hunt at the church. We had some Easter stories and things inside, while moms hid the eggs. Cooper had fun, but wondered why the eggs weren't "hidden". "They were just laying out where we could see them mom!" he said. Gunner LOVED the hunt, but more importantly LOVED when he figured out the eggs were filled with CANDY! It was so cute to hear him say "Eater Egg" the rest of the weekend.
We also had some fun coloring Easter eggs. Both boys stayed interested a lot longer than I thought they would. They were pretty proud of their creations too. Gunner's favorite thing was using the crayons to color the eggs, and Cooper was insisting on getting the eggs in and out of the dye all by himself. It is hard to encourage independence when it involves dye!
The ward had a game night that night, and it was fun to get together and play board games you never have enough adults to play!
Saturday, we went downtown to St. Louis University to another hunt. It was a lot colder than the forecast, and I wasn't as prepared as I probably should have been, but the boys still did great. They got to sit on the Easter Bunnies lap, and get little stuffed frogs. They also had cake and cookies. Gunner did great, until he tried to continue his hunt on the older kids lawn...then he had a little breakdown. Once he discovered the fun things in his eggs, he was ok again. Cooper was so geared up and it was so fun to watch him dash around.
Saturday night, the Young Single Adults sponsored a Kids Carnival that Cooper and Gunner were both able to go to for 2 1/2 hours! It was great, cause we got to go to a movie for the first time in forever! They had such fun with the carnival games, and brought home a lot of prizes.
Cooper was cute to make sure the baskets were by the front door, because "the Easter Bunny is different from Santa, because he comes through the door instead of the chimney. But, we need to put the baskets a little far back from the door, so he doesn't step on them." Sunday morning, we had their baskets hidden. They had fun finding them, and then we had church. The spirit was so strong in our meetings, and it was really a neat Easter Sunday. The weather was crummy, so we didn't do anything outside, and the family we were going to have over for dinner, ended up with pneumonia. So we just exchanged portions of the meal. It was a really nice, relaxing, fun Easter. I am so grateful for my Savior, and His sacrifice. I am also so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father, who was willing to let His son go through everything he did for our sake. I look at my children, and don't know how it would be possible to see them suffer so badly. I hope I can use the Atonement everyday to become a better person...and a better mother and wife. It sure is hard when you have young children, to keep you patience, and treat them as one of His children. But, that is the beauty of it all. I can try again each day. For that I am SOOO grateful!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
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Sounds like a great Easter. It is so fun to be able to see your kids faith in Jesus Christ grow-just like you said. I love all your pictures...especially the first one!
It looks like you have been having a ton of fun! Your boys are lucky to be able to do such fun things all the time! I will send you an email about your t-ball questions!
I can't believe you get to have another cute boy! I can't get over their cute ties and hair! Hmm, I guess I just get to wonder what having a boy would be like for now.
Oh, and I forgot to say......ONLY 40 DAYS!!!! YOU'RE ALMOST THERE! HANG TIGHT! Hope you are feeling well. You look wonderful.
Love the Bunny pic. Your boys are so darling in their little ties. We did have a good Easter. My family lives close. My mom still lives in the house I grew up in, in Kaysville. My sister in the Easter pics lives in Farmington. I also have another sister that lives in the same town I do. It’s nice to have them close by, but my sisters don't speak, so that makes holidays stressful. Who do you invite? Sometimes family is just a lot of drama. lol.
On another subject, I can’t figure out how to put new fonts on my blog. Please help?
Your engagement story is so cute! And your boys look so adorable in their outfits. I love the ties! I can't wait to put Jack in ties and know he won't be chewing them all Sunday. Your kids really are so cute!
Aren't those boys hansom in their easter ties! Boy, you guys sure know how to make the most of Easter. You enjoyed a lot of hunts, parties, and celebrations.
I can't believe how big your boys are getting! They are just too cute in their little easter outfits! Sounds like they had a lot of fun! So are you guys coming to Tucson?? Did you have to rank cities or do you just pick?
Hey Cass, you have adorable boys. Your blog looks fantastic. Makes me want to work on mine more.
Hope you aren't too uncomfortable these days.
Your boys look so great. I am ready to see that third one, though! When is he going to make an appearance?
Thank you for your words! It sounds like you guys had a fun Easter! Your boys are so dang cute! I can't believe how close your getting! Nearly one month left? Good luck!
Cass, your words touched me at the end. It is so good to hear your strong testimony. I feel the same way. The atonement is an amazing thing, and I also feel so blessed to be raising one of His children. The boys look SOO cute! Looks like lots of fun. You're such an amazing mom.
Glad you had such a fun Easter! Isn't it fun to match your little boys in Easter ties? I made Halle an Easter dress, but I had just as much fun picking out Easter ties for the boys.
I think your example to your kids will teach them a lot about Christ. You are such a good mom!
wow this is really ridicuouly sweet. i think your giving mikin a run for her money. you best cassie. i love you family and the times i had to visit there were the best in my life. ah.
Looks like you had a great Easter. Your boys are so cute! I bet the third will be just as.
Hang in there you are almost there.
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